7 Things – Week 1: Build a Team
In Mark 1:16-20 Jesus is starting to “Build a Team.” If Jesus needs a team, surely we do too!
What would a team look like in your life? How would it be helpful?
What would a team look like in your life? How would it be helpful?
How can you start building a team?
Do you have any stories to share about people who have been on your team in the past or on whose team you have been?
So excited about this! Love the “building my team” concept. Already have the list in my head, can’t wait to start reaching out. really looking forward to this study. Thanks, MP!
Good video… well done and important reminder of our need for one another. I have a great team… elders, deacons, members and staff here at Mars Hill Church. I look forward for our team getting together more in coming months!
God bless,
Pastor Bryant
The first team I think of is my family, especially my girls when Danny passed. They were there for me.
Another team are my lady friends from church. Some have moved on, but we still remain a team that can be there for each other and support each other. They always have great ideas.
A third team I think of is the Prayer Ladies we have set up. We share good and bad times by praying for each other and our church family.
My team surely is comprised of people that I have met through Mars Hill Church. The Church is such a wealth of loving and caring members, they help to motivate me to be a better person just by seeing how they interact in the world. It is very important to surround ourselves with these types of people!!
I’ve been thinking a lot of what influences are in my life lately. If I am to become more like the 5 people I hang around the most (as they say you do) — then I definitely need to be in the Word, prayer and worship daily as one of them. I’m thankful for my family both at home and at church.
Side note: I just got invited to join a group (team?) of family members who are doing a daily Lent devotion on You Version. I was surprised to get the invitation from my godson and delighted to be able to join and also be used by God for conversation with this younger generation.
I like the idea of “7 things we can do!” It sounds so positive!!
When I think of times I have worked with a team..I think of going to Haiti on medical missions, and of course I think of the awesome Kenya team. I also think of the gathering we had last March for Bryant’s 25 anniversary at Mars Hill. It took many, many people who had many, many skills to manage the many, many details to make that all work. I loved working with that team..it was a work of love and appreciation. All of the teams I have ever been a part of, the best outcomes are when there is a well defined common goal. I think that is why Mars Hill has done well with decisions, such as how do our plans work into ‘Connect, Grow, Share”. It then makes the answers more obvious and easier to make 🙂
I really enjoyed reading everyone’s ideas about their teams. I liked being part of two teams with my late husband, first part is was being on the fabulous team of the United States Navy. My husband was a commander and a pilot
and I was a Navy wife
I am part of a prayer group with a couple of co-workers. We have been through so much together and I know that I can depend on them to listen to me, pray for me and not judge. We share our faith, troubles and love of God with each other. I’m also part of the Kenya team and have learned so much from these wonderful people! We are a diverse group with different strengths and we know that God brought us together to serve Him. Don’t know what I would do without my ‘teams’. Very thankful!
A little late watching our first session of Seven Things We Can Do and enjoyed it so much. I too was a member of only about 3 or 4 who met during afternoon break work. It started after 9/ll and went on for quite a while. Although I don’t see these ladies any more, we are friends on face book and still share our concerns and requests for prayers.